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Welcome to Distension! We ask that you please read our Rules before creating a character. This section includes the Play-By Face Claim and the New Member's Guide.
Varos Talantos Avatar
Threads - 5
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Purchased Stats by krevin, Jul 26, 2018 21:44:50 GMT -5
All the important information about the world of Distension. Includes races, abilities, and other such things for character creation.
krevin Avatar
Threads - 114
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Do you need help by brianpugh, Dec 29, 2017 0:17:01 GMT -5
Let us know what you are thinking! The questions board is Guest-Friendly! All updates to the forums will be posted under this board for your convenience from now on so you don't have to review everything to make sure you're doing everything properly.
brianpugh Avatar
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The Records

Krevin by krevin, Jul 27, 2018 1:33:15 GMT -5
Think you're ready? Use the character application template to create your character in this board.
krevin Avatar
Threads - 4
Posts - 8
Algor Necros by Bernhard Reiniger, Oct 16, 2016 19:40:10 GMT -5
Once your character gets accepted (if it does), it will be moved here for safekeeping.
Bernhard Reiniger Avatar
Threads - 82
Posts - 213
Rennard Tokala Sinnopa [WIP] by Rennard Tokala Sinnopa, Jun 11, 2016 16:27:24 GMT -5
All denied characters and dead characters will be kept here.
Rennard Tokala Sinnopa Avatar
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Itsy Bitsy Spider... by Jacksoπ Flεtchεr, Nov 10, 2017 9:35:05 GMT -5
Our realm. Home to humans and supernaturals, although the former is much more common. Supernaturals hide in underground cities, or with magic, if they wish to mingle with others.
Jacksoπ Flεtchεr Avatar
Threads - 25
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Hunted by Mozoga, Jan 27, 2017 8:01:51 GMT -5
A marvelous fantasy world, filled with unique creatures. Here, none need to hide their true form, but venture away from the towns and you may meet your end.
Mozoga Avatar
Threads - 18
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General Information & Regulations by Leta Raz Hades, Aug 30, 2013 1:03:27 GMT -5
The dangerous realm between worlds, it is also the location of Shangri-la, the home of the Gods. Mountains, orange fields, an ancient fortress, a floating arena. Truly surreal, but the most dangerous of all realms.
Leta Raz Hades Avatar
Threads - 1
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Out of Character

My sincerest apologies by Varos Talantos, Jul 1, 2023 11:20:57 GMT -5
Chat with your fellow roleplayers about the outside world.
Varos Talantos Avatar
Threads - 115
Posts - 919
The Aftermath by Yasehan Asaara, Jul 18, 2016 16:30:22 GMT -5
Weave new tales together. Sci-Fi, Alternate Universes, Fandom... Anything goes! Rapid fire (under the word count) and other one liner threads belong here!
Yasehan Asaara Avatar
Threads - 6
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All Ears by Gram, Nov 10, 2017 9:41:17 GMT -5
Use this board to find people to roleplay with your characters, or to request another member making a certain character for you.
Gram Avatar
Threads - 11
Posts - 43
The Most Awesome Characters On This Site by Diaskedasi, Feb 17, 2016 10:06:44 GMT -5
An area to keep your character and thread list updated.
Diaskedasi Avatar
Threads - 9
Posts - 19
Hunting the Jörmungandr (Open) by Jacksoπ Flεtchεr, Nov 12, 2016 20:49:50 GMT -5
Finished threads, dead threads, antiquated convos, etc, will be stored here.
Jacksoπ Flεtchεr Avatar
Threads - 837
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ZapdosZulu: Heart Gold/Soul Silver Pokémon RP by Professor Oak, Jan 4, 2024 2:29:00 GMT -5
Advertising is allowed here only. If you wish to affiliate with us, this is the place to go.
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ZapdosZulu: Heart Gold/Soul Silver Pokémon RP by Professor Oak Jan 4, 2024 2:29:00 GMT -5
Total Residents
armstrong003 Avatar

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