A large, unknown congo jungle rests in the center of this continent and a lifeless sahara acts as a maze in the northern parts. Wars break out all the time and the enforced law is often that of 'might makes right'.
From lush jungles to massive deserts to the harsh Siberian tundra, Asia is a good place for supernaturals to hide from humans and hunters and many choose to make their home here. Antlantis is somewhere to be found around this area.
The cities of Europe appeal greatly still to the supernatural, who have faith in their ability to get away from those who would seek them in the sprawling cities and winding metropolitan roads.
Covered with large plains and dotted with massive cities peaked with skyscrapers, North America holds a variety of terrain and lifestyles, ensuring that everyone has a choice as to what environment they wish to live in. South America is covered with lush rainforests, undomesticated jungles, and a towering mountain range, making it easy for people to get away.
Many unique creatures make their home in the land down under and the heavily-populated coasts are a hotspot for tourists... Among other people. The great Australian desert is sprawling and people have been known to go in and never come back out.
Barren, hostile, frozen. Antarctica is the largest desert in the world and arguably the most dangerous with temperatures plunging far below zero. For those with the resources, however, Antarctica could hide one from the world with ease.
Our realm. Home to humans and supernaturals, although the former is much more common. Supernaturals hide in underground cities, or with magic, if they wish to mingle with others.
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