Post by Mozoga on Sept 24, 2015 20:47:00 GMT -5
Mozoga _______ Yazgash
theme song:;
Heart of Courage by Two Steps from Hell
Mozoga is almost exactly what some would consider the "classical" orc. She is exceptionally tall, standing at eight feet and seven inches tall with an athletic and muscular. However she would not be considered a body builder type, lacking the massive bulging muscles. She has grayish green skin, with dark dark brown hair that borders on just the edge of black. She has an aquiline shaped nose upon set directly between her large narrow eyes. Her eyes are sky blue, with cross shaped pupils and irises the color of sky blue. However her eyes are unusual with a marbled appearance to them, due to the tapetum lucidum which allows her to see in the dark. She has a distinct under bite, with her two tusk like lower teeth jutting upwards over her lower lip, and her teeth are fangs giving her a comic sort of lisp.
sweet 112
born a Orc (Mix breed)
should we put bricks on your head?:;
Mozoga is Eight feet and seven inches tall
no place like home:;
Born in Romania, Living in Nysa
getting lucky with ~someone~:;
babies coming?:;
Innate Ability:
Purchase Abilities:
Battle Roar (50)
Strength: +10 (100 points)
Purchase Abilities:
Battle Roar (50)
Strength: +10 (100 points)
Mozoga wields a powerful war hammer with an axe upon the backside of the weapon. It is her prized possession, and she relished using it and cherishes the weapon greatly.
Mozoga also brandishes a large kite shield. Crafted from metal and wood, it is five feet long, three feet wide at its widest.
The last thing Mozoga carries is a bola, with three large heavy sphere connected together with strings.
Mozoga commonly wears bits of armor upon her body, such as a breastplate and pauldrons. Clothing beneath these however can greatly, depending upon her mood, what she is expecting to do that day, and simply what is on hand. She once got to wear a full chainmail outfit, however that was long ago lost in the Khyper-diorem. Often as not, she wears different types of leathers, created from animal skins and stained with dyes to look pretty. She likes the color black, as it goes well with her grayish green skin. She also wears tons of feathers, which she collects and dyes purple and weaves in to her hair and ties to her armor. She also wears a hair piece, crafted from the horns of the creature she killed for her coming of age ceremony.
None, especially seeing as no modern day vehicle could hope to handle her height.';
She has a headdress fashioned out of the horns of a creature she slayed for coming of age ceremony.
disposition to the law:;
Her Hair,
Her Friends,
Wendigos (she has an extremely high level of respect for them)
Her Hair,
Her Friends,
Wendigos (she has an extremely high level of respect for them)
Being called ugly (Hey! She’s sensitive you know!),
Vampyres (in general),
Silent Death creatures
Vampyres (in general),
Silent Death creatures
She is afraid of not being strong enough to protect her friends (and loved ones, if she ever gets ones)
She is totally obsessed with the color purple!
Mozoga was born in to a clan of orcs living in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania who where descendants of a gargoyle and vamprye. The orcs created a clan there, descendants from their parents and a few additional orcs where they tried to create a group, a clan for other orcs to join and live in “peace”. Peace being a relatively loose term for what orcs would call a home and family. They were constantly fighting between themselves, and a killing within the clan by another clans member was common place and not seen as such a bad thing, although if an outside of the clan killed an orc they where violently hunted down and slaughtered. Tests of courage and strength happened every day in the clan, and many of these resulted in death if the orc failed, or the orc was shunned by the rest and kicked out of the clan.
Due to all this, the orc group never got exceptionally large, staying well under two hundred orcs, scattered about in caves and extremely simple homes. They never grew powerfully politically, and because their numbers where so small they were never powerful influentially. However they were often hired out as mercenaries, to help whoever and whatever fight as they where such physically powerful beings. This made them several powerful enemies, and although these enemies could never win in an outright fight against a clan of orcs they where infinitely more devious and cunning. They bided their time, waiting and watching and planning from the shadows, waiting to eradicate a group of beings they saw lesser and inferior to their own vampiric blood. The orcs, descendents from them where a contaminant in their eyes and this grow of slighted vampryes wanted them exterminated and wiped off the planet.
Late one evening while the orcs where preparing for a night of celebration to follow Mozoga’s coming of age ceremony, during which she was given her purple tattoos upon her face showing she was officially a member of the clan in a very slow and painful process, the vampryes had decided to strike. So a day after her coming of age ceremony, the orcs and vampryes battled viciously but the vampryes brought a ‘secret’ weapon with them. They used something that even they knew would destroy the orcs, who being descendants of vampryes could not stand daylight. The vampryes brought large floods lights, using ultraviolet lights to kill the orcs and trap them inside their caves. Then using modern weaponry (firearms) they slaughtered the orcs from behind the lights with glee. Only a few orcs survived, escaping away from the fighting and fled for their lives unable to help their companions or much less fight against them with the massive UV lights blanketing the area in deadly light preventing the orcs from even getting close.
The fifty or so orcs who survived and escaped began wandering. With no homes, almost no families, and nowhere to go they simply began to wander. They wandered for a several years, and finally came upon somebody who offered to “help” them. Eager for help and something to change their situation the orc shaman accepted the help and this person offered to lead them to a portal. Unknown to the remnants of the orc tribe, the ‘somebody’ was hired to help them by the very vampyres that had tried to kill them. Deciding it was not worth their time to hunt down and kill the orcs themselves, they hired several people to do their dirty work for them, or in this instance send the orcs somewhere that the vampryes would never half to deal with them again. So the hired lead them to a portal through which the orcs could travel. The orcs went through, and found themselves summarily in a different realm, inside the Khyper-diorem.
So now here was a group of orcs, in a world they know nothing about. Not being the most intelligent of creatures (nobody would expect an orc to win at the spelling bee), they did what they have always done. They unwittingly left whatever building they had appeared with in, piling outside to figure out where they had appeared. Then came, as the orcs and even Mozoga still called it, The Long Journey during which time the orcs wandered the Khyper-diorem. They did what they where use to, fight everything they came across. At least for the most part that is, while at the same time attempting to find a way back home. Fighting across the plains of the Khyper-diorem, the orcs found little difficulty with the quill beasts they came across though they lost a few of their members. Then the orcs came upon the mountains, and believing they had found themselves a new home quickly moved up in to the mountains. Little did they know of the horrific monsters hiding in the caves and amongst the mountains they were attempting to colonize.
A pack of wendigo where there first creatures to greet them, and several orcs fell beneath the creature’s rain of boulders and objects hurled at them. Then the orcs clashed with the wendigo, and not use to such physically strong beings the wendigo fled, two of their five members. The orcs then began to filter out in to caves which they began to make in to homes. Often they found cavehounds with in, and would chase the beasts out or kill them out right. They found the flesh of the cavehound to be quite excellent at making armor. Settling in to their caves, the orcs believed themselves safe for the most part. The odd ghastly creatures they had seen with the horrific screams never seemed to enter these caves, and their orc shaman would magically silence those who attempted to kill the orcs but otherwise the ghostly beings where nothing more than a nuisance. What the orcs did not know was about the other creatures living deep within the caves, waiting and biding their time to attack and Consume them. When the orcs fell asleep, the Consumers attacked them viciously slaying many of the orcs before they even knew what was happening.
Attempting to escape this new sudden enemy, the orcs abandoned the caves and with nowhere else to go, they headed back down out of the mountains, traveling back over the plans towards the building which they had appeared in the first time. Hounded constantly by the ghostly apparitions whom they attempted to placate with the spike covered monsters that constantly attacked them as well, the orcs finally reached the library. Tired, weary, and lost there where barely any left. About a dozen orcs in total where left from their journeys when they finally returned to the building which they had first come in to this world through. They had the intention of going home, back to Earth even though they were unaware that this place was not Earth, and attempting to remain there. They approached the place they thought was the way home, and entered the portal. Little did they know that the portal was not the one they had used to get to the Khyper-diorem, but a different one leading to somewhere else.
The dozen and half orc surviving arrived, instead of upon their thought of destination of Earth, upon Nysa. Confused, and tired, the orcs decided to explore this new world. Perhaps it was Earth but simply in a different area (again…orcs are not the most intelligent of creatures). So the orcs began to explore, this time working together and staying close to each other. Much more cautious after their last catastrophe, they survived much better in this environment though they still were to slow learn the ins and outs of the area. At least this time, there were other active species who where no always attempting to kill there. There was an occasional creature, or species from Earth. Also there where fauns, and living plants so seemed to be fairly nice and attempted to help the orcs learn about the area they had come to. However they still had run ins with giant ice dwelling felines in the mountains, pack hunting creatures in the plains, and giant things pretending to be part of the ground. They learned how to avoid these creatures, and even hunt some of them such as the fast running creatures on all four legs and the flightless running birds with plants growing upon their backs.
The orcs lived for several years in this strange place, a place they learned was called Nysa by the other inhabitants. Mozoga herself also learned of the ancient stories of the goddess who lived here, and finding these old stories to be fascinating through the telling of the other species around them. Orcs loved verbal history, passing down the knowledge of those before them to their children and children’s children, so she would happily sit and listen to anybody willing to tell these stories, and she found that she came to worship the goddess of these lands whom the very earth she had created was named after. However there where changes happening in the land, with Nysa losing her powers and new strange creatures roaming around. Mozoga lived in a house she had built upon the edge of the plains, with on close reach of the woods for gathering such things as wood and food, while still being in access to the plains so she could hunt for food. There were several other orcs as well, about five left in total living with her or nearby in other homes. She had created her home in the skeletal remains or a dragon, covering what was left of the ribs and spine with hides to provide a simple but adequate shelter for her needs, and having come to revere life, she thanked the spirit of the dragon for giving it’s life so that one day it’s very bones would come t protect her own.
One day, out hunting in the forests of Nysa, Mozoga went off by herself while her companions followed after some rahbops. Mozoga went off by herself, finding a small pack of trods to whom she sat quietly in the forest and watched as the young little trods played and romped with their older pack mates. After watching for some time, she turned and left them to go find her companions. She moved through the forests, looking for them before she suddenly saw something that chilled her to the bone. One of her companions, face down and clearly dead with a large puncture wound was upon the side of his neck, and his body was completely drained of blood. Terrified for the rest of her family, she left the body behind and pushed forward. She found another body soon after, exactly the same as the first. Now fearful, she began to run and push her way through the forest. She came upon another body, then another, and finally she came upon a horrifying sight. There were the last two of her companions, one already dead. The last upon the ground, a nightmarish demonic creature upon her back siphoning her blood with a long hollow fang like protrusion and storing the blood in large grotesque sacs upon the monster’s back. Bellowing a challenge, Mozoga attacked the creature, but it abandoned its feeding fled in to the dark woods.
Now Mozoga is alone, with no family. The only thing she has left of her tribe is her war hammer/axe and a shield.
Due to all this, the orc group never got exceptionally large, staying well under two hundred orcs, scattered about in caves and extremely simple homes. They never grew powerfully politically, and because their numbers where so small they were never powerful influentially. However they were often hired out as mercenaries, to help whoever and whatever fight as they where such physically powerful beings. This made them several powerful enemies, and although these enemies could never win in an outright fight against a clan of orcs they where infinitely more devious and cunning. They bided their time, waiting and watching and planning from the shadows, waiting to eradicate a group of beings they saw lesser and inferior to their own vampiric blood. The orcs, descendents from them where a contaminant in their eyes and this grow of slighted vampryes wanted them exterminated and wiped off the planet.
Late one evening while the orcs where preparing for a night of celebration to follow Mozoga’s coming of age ceremony, during which she was given her purple tattoos upon her face showing she was officially a member of the clan in a very slow and painful process, the vampryes had decided to strike. So a day after her coming of age ceremony, the orcs and vampryes battled viciously but the vampryes brought a ‘secret’ weapon with them. They used something that even they knew would destroy the orcs, who being descendants of vampryes could not stand daylight. The vampryes brought large floods lights, using ultraviolet lights to kill the orcs and trap them inside their caves. Then using modern weaponry (firearms) they slaughtered the orcs from behind the lights with glee. Only a few orcs survived, escaping away from the fighting and fled for their lives unable to help their companions or much less fight against them with the massive UV lights blanketing the area in deadly light preventing the orcs from even getting close.
The fifty or so orcs who survived and escaped began wandering. With no homes, almost no families, and nowhere to go they simply began to wander. They wandered for a several years, and finally came upon somebody who offered to “help” them. Eager for help and something to change their situation the orc shaman accepted the help and this person offered to lead them to a portal. Unknown to the remnants of the orc tribe, the ‘somebody’ was hired to help them by the very vampyres that had tried to kill them. Deciding it was not worth their time to hunt down and kill the orcs themselves, they hired several people to do their dirty work for them, or in this instance send the orcs somewhere that the vampryes would never half to deal with them again. So the hired lead them to a portal through which the orcs could travel. The orcs went through, and found themselves summarily in a different realm, inside the Khyper-diorem.
So now here was a group of orcs, in a world they know nothing about. Not being the most intelligent of creatures (nobody would expect an orc to win at the spelling bee), they did what they have always done. They unwittingly left whatever building they had appeared with in, piling outside to figure out where they had appeared. Then came, as the orcs and even Mozoga still called it, The Long Journey during which time the orcs wandered the Khyper-diorem. They did what they where use to, fight everything they came across. At least for the most part that is, while at the same time attempting to find a way back home. Fighting across the plains of the Khyper-diorem, the orcs found little difficulty with the quill beasts they came across though they lost a few of their members. Then the orcs came upon the mountains, and believing they had found themselves a new home quickly moved up in to the mountains. Little did they know of the horrific monsters hiding in the caves and amongst the mountains they were attempting to colonize.
A pack of wendigo where there first creatures to greet them, and several orcs fell beneath the creature’s rain of boulders and objects hurled at them. Then the orcs clashed with the wendigo, and not use to such physically strong beings the wendigo fled, two of their five members. The orcs then began to filter out in to caves which they began to make in to homes. Often they found cavehounds with in, and would chase the beasts out or kill them out right. They found the flesh of the cavehound to be quite excellent at making armor. Settling in to their caves, the orcs believed themselves safe for the most part. The odd ghastly creatures they had seen with the horrific screams never seemed to enter these caves, and their orc shaman would magically silence those who attempted to kill the orcs but otherwise the ghostly beings where nothing more than a nuisance. What the orcs did not know was about the other creatures living deep within the caves, waiting and biding their time to attack and Consume them. When the orcs fell asleep, the Consumers attacked them viciously slaying many of the orcs before they even knew what was happening.
Attempting to escape this new sudden enemy, the orcs abandoned the caves and with nowhere else to go, they headed back down out of the mountains, traveling back over the plans towards the building which they had appeared in the first time. Hounded constantly by the ghostly apparitions whom they attempted to placate with the spike covered monsters that constantly attacked them as well, the orcs finally reached the library. Tired, weary, and lost there where barely any left. About a dozen orcs in total where left from their journeys when they finally returned to the building which they had first come in to this world through. They had the intention of going home, back to Earth even though they were unaware that this place was not Earth, and attempting to remain there. They approached the place they thought was the way home, and entered the portal. Little did they know that the portal was not the one they had used to get to the Khyper-diorem, but a different one leading to somewhere else.
The dozen and half orc surviving arrived, instead of upon their thought of destination of Earth, upon Nysa. Confused, and tired, the orcs decided to explore this new world. Perhaps it was Earth but simply in a different area (again…orcs are not the most intelligent of creatures). So the orcs began to explore, this time working together and staying close to each other. Much more cautious after their last catastrophe, they survived much better in this environment though they still were to slow learn the ins and outs of the area. At least this time, there were other active species who where no always attempting to kill there. There was an occasional creature, or species from Earth. Also there where fauns, and living plants so seemed to be fairly nice and attempted to help the orcs learn about the area they had come to. However they still had run ins with giant ice dwelling felines in the mountains, pack hunting creatures in the plains, and giant things pretending to be part of the ground. They learned how to avoid these creatures, and even hunt some of them such as the fast running creatures on all four legs and the flightless running birds with plants growing upon their backs.
The orcs lived for several years in this strange place, a place they learned was called Nysa by the other inhabitants. Mozoga herself also learned of the ancient stories of the goddess who lived here, and finding these old stories to be fascinating through the telling of the other species around them. Orcs loved verbal history, passing down the knowledge of those before them to their children and children’s children, so she would happily sit and listen to anybody willing to tell these stories, and she found that she came to worship the goddess of these lands whom the very earth she had created was named after. However there where changes happening in the land, with Nysa losing her powers and new strange creatures roaming around. Mozoga lived in a house she had built upon the edge of the plains, with on close reach of the woods for gathering such things as wood and food, while still being in access to the plains so she could hunt for food. There were several other orcs as well, about five left in total living with her or nearby in other homes. She had created her home in the skeletal remains or a dragon, covering what was left of the ribs and spine with hides to provide a simple but adequate shelter for her needs, and having come to revere life, she thanked the spirit of the dragon for giving it’s life so that one day it’s very bones would come t protect her own.
One day, out hunting in the forests of Nysa, Mozoga went off by herself while her companions followed after some rahbops. Mozoga went off by herself, finding a small pack of trods to whom she sat quietly in the forest and watched as the young little trods played and romped with their older pack mates. After watching for some time, she turned and left them to go find her companions. She moved through the forests, looking for them before she suddenly saw something that chilled her to the bone. One of her companions, face down and clearly dead with a large puncture wound was upon the side of his neck, and his body was completely drained of blood. Terrified for the rest of her family, she left the body behind and pushed forward. She found another body soon after, exactly the same as the first. Now fearful, she began to run and push her way through the forest. She came upon another body, then another, and finally she came upon a horrifying sight. There were the last two of her companions, one already dead. The last upon the ground, a nightmarish demonic creature upon her back siphoning her blood with a long hollow fang like protrusion and storing the blood in large grotesque sacs upon the monster’s back. Bellowing a challenge, Mozoga attacked the creature, but it abandoned its feeding fled in to the dark woods.
Now Mozoga is alone, with no family. The only thing she has left of her tribe is her war hammer/axe and a shield.
She worships the goddess Nysa and she has no faction.